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The Cash Card interface on Zeta on Web (ZoW) provides you a quick, convenient and secure means to manage your own funds. Cash Card amount is used in below scenarios:

  • If you run short of credits in your corporate cards. 
  • In scenarios, where you pay using Cash Card amount, as corporate cards are not applicable as per IT rules (For example, buying Liquor).

Useful facts

  • Cash Card is your personal e-wallet and doesn't carry any usage restrictions.
  • Cash Card is a universal card and does not apply any restrictions on usage. The card balance can be used for any offline or online transaction be it for a meal, fuel and so on.
  • Ensure you periodically monitor your Cash Card balance to avoid any last-minute trouble. See Zeta Cash Card Limits to know your Cash Card transaction limits.

Zeta App allows you to perform various fund transfer activities. To know more, please see Manage Cash Card.

Adding Money to Cash Card

Add money to your Cash Card using Debit/Credit Card, NetBanking and IMPSYou may even save your bank account details for future and instant transactions. 

 Adding money to Cash Card
  1. Log in to your ZoW Account.
  2. Go to Home > Cash and click > Add Money.

  3. Enter the amount to add and click Add Money.
  4. Choose your mode of fund addition.

     a. On selecting Debit/Credit card option, enter your card details and click Next.

     b. On selecting Netbanking, select your bank and click Next. You’ll be directed to your bank’s payment gateway. On successful authentication, money will be added to your Cash Card.

     c. On selecting Add via IMPS, you will get your Zeta Account Details and Zeta IFSC Code. Log in to the bank's online portal from where you want to transfer the amount to your Cash Card. Use the Zeta Account Details and Zeta IFSC Code while transferring the amount to add to your Cash Card. 

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Transferring Money to a Bank Account

You can transfer money to your bank account using your ZoW Account. 

 Transferring money to a bank account
  1. Log in to your ZoW Account.
  2. Go to Home > Cash and click > Transfer to Bank.

  3. Select your preferred bank, enter account details and the amount you wish to transfer.
  4. Click Transfer Amount. The amount will be transferred to the bank account of the beneficiary.

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Transferring Money to a Contact

You can transfer money to another Zeta user using your ZoW Account. 

 Transferring money to a Contact
  1. Log in to your ZoW Account.
  2. Go to Home > Cash and click > Transfer to Contact.

  3. Enter a mobile number and the amount.
  4. Click Transfer Amount.

The amount is credited to the user’s Zeta Account.

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