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 What is the maximum balance allowed for various accounts?

Depending on the KYC state of the account holder, limits are defined as per RBI Guidelines:

Rules and PPI limitsMinimum KYCAadhaar OTP KYCAadhaar Biometric and Paper KYC
Maximum balance₹10,000₹100,000₹100,000
Expiry1 year1 yearNot Applicable
Add moneyYesYesYes
Bank transferNoYesYes
Send money
(peer to peer)
Receive money
(peer to peer)
 What is the maximum balance allowed across accounts?

Maximum balance allowed across accounts for,

  • Min KYC Users: Rs. 10000 across accounts
  • Aadhaar OTP KYC user: Rs. 1 lakh max balance across accounts
 Can a user create more than one account across different VBOs using the same phone number & OVD (Officially Valid Document)?

Yes. However, in case of different phone number or OVD number, there are 2 use-cases to consider below:

Use-Case 1: Let’s say, a user uses the same phone number but 2 different OVD numbers to create 2 accounts in 2 different fintechs. In such a case the entry for that particular Account Holder will be expanded in the system by adding both the provided OVD numbers.

Use-Case 2: Let’s say, a user uses the same OVD number but 2 different phone numbers to try to create accounts in 2 different fintechs. In such a case, since suspicion over the genuinity of the user arises, an error message will be sent out to the user asking to use a different phone number (Third phone number). If the user does not provide a different phone number, then an offline process involving the ops team checking the phone and OVD numbers will take place.


 What are Artefacts, Products and Bundles?

Artefacts represent elements of customer interest that the bank is capable of provisioning and maintaining for the customer. Products are a commercial packaging of artefacts. Bundle is a collection of products which is issued to an end user of fintech. Fusion configures bundles as per the requirements of the fintech. See Resource types for more detailed information.

 Who is issued a bundle and how is a bundle issued?

Bundles are issued to the end users of fintech. Bundles are issued via the issueBundle API.

 How can I find out the product details that were created with the bundle issuance?

The response of the issueBundle call details the Account Products and the Payment Products issued.

 Can I fetch the issued Payment Products for an Account Holder?

Yes, you can use the following ResouceByVector API to get the payment resources linked to an account holder:

Allowed vectorType is ACCOUNTHOLDER and vectorValue is AH_ID. You can also pass view as an optional field which can be of 2 types:

  • BASIC: this returns active and inactive Form Factors.
  • EXPANDED: this returns active, inactive and deleted Form Factors.

By default, view will be set to BASIC.

 Can I create artefacts that were missed out during prior requests for issuing bundles?

Yes. Following APIs are used for partial bundle issuance (artefacts).

  • Issuing Account Products - /api/v1/ifi/{ifiID}/bundles/{bundleID}/issueAccount
  • Issuing Resources - /api/v1/ifi/{ifiID}/bundles/{bundleID}/issueResource
  • Issuing Form Factors - /api/v1/ifi/{ifiID}/bundles/{bundleID}/issueFormFactor
 Are the products always issued in Bundles regardless of the number of products?

Yes. Custom-made accounts and payment products are grouped as a Bundle and issued to the Account Holders. Even if there is a single product to be issued, it will be availed via the construct of a bundle.

For example, a salary account bundle gives you a Savings account bundled along with a VISA Coral Debit card.

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