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Cancel Transfer Orders

Ideally, you can cancel scheduled or open transfer orders only. Successful transfer orders can be canceled only if the disbursed amount is unused. Otherwise, you will have to settle the funds offline. 


titleCancel a scheduled transfer
  1. Log in to your
    Button Hyperlink
    titleZeta Optima
    Zeta Optima account.
  2. If you have a single legal company, you can skip this step. Otherwise, select your company from the drop-down on the left panel.

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  3. Go to Zeta Optima > Active Programs > Uniform card.
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  4. Click Transfer Orders tab.
  5. Click more action (Image Added) option against a scheduled transfer.
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  6. Click Cancel Order.
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    The status of the order changes to Canceled.
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titleCancel an individual entry under a scheduled transfer
  1. Log in to your Zeta Optima account.
  2. From Zeta Optima menu, navigate to Active Programs > Uniform Card > Transfer Orders tab. This opens up all transfers such as scheduled, completed, cancelled, stalled or failed.
  3. Click the transfer ID of a scheduled transfer. This lists all individual entries in a scheduled transfer.
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  4. On this page, click more action (Image Added) option and then select Cancel Transfer against an individual to cancel the payout transfer. Using the search option, you may also search for an individual by name, email or mobile to cancel the transfer. 
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  5. Click Yes to confirm the transfer cancellation.  You can view the cancelled entry under on the same page as shown below:
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You’ve successfully cancelled the payout of an individual from a scheduled uniform card transfer.

titleRevoke an Individual Fund Under a Successful Transfer


You can also revoke an individual payout tagged against the status "Waiting for Beneficiary" from a transfer order . Follow the same steps as mentioned below.

  1. Log in to your Zeta Optima account.
  2. From Zeta Optima menu, navigate to Active Programs > Uniform Card > Transfer Orders tab. This opens up all transfers such as scheduled, completed, cancelled, stalled or failed.
  3. Click the transfer ID of a successful transfer. This lists all individual entries in a completed transfer.
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  4. On this page, click more action (Image Added) option and then select Revoke Funds against an individual to revoke the payout transfer. Using the search option, you may also search for an individual by name, email or mobile to revoke the transfer. Also, notice the options such as All or Transferred for your precise and quick lookup.
  5. Click Yes to revoke the payout transfer. You can view the revoked entry on the same page as shown below:

You’ve completed revoking an individual employee payout from a successful uniform card  transfer.


You can make changes including the partial revoke to the successful transfers only if disbursed amount is unused. You cannot settle any used funds using the Zeta Optima dashboard and in this scenario you may wish to settle the used funds offline. Email support (  or call support (022 - 6112 3925) for any help.