
Before you actually get started with creating Optima allowances and reimbursements programs, Zeta recommends you to quickly go through the Funding Accounts and Admin Console to manage your fund accounts and corporate entities. Ensure to keep sufficient funds in your funding accounts to initiate an employee transfer through a payroll benefit program.

When you create a Zeta Optima account, a company will be provisioned for you that you specify during the sign up process. A company is a legal entity and serves as a container for your payroll benefit programs including the employees you transfer the benefits to. Under a company you can create a new benefit program such as meal, communication and/or process an employee transfer using the active program.

Ensure that you choose a correct company to set up a new payroll benefit program or initiate a new transfer through an active program if you've configured multiple legal companies under your organization.

Zeta Optima interface is a self-service portal to manage the payroll benefit programs. The Optima UI has the following important features:

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