Know about Fusion webhooks and supported events

A webhook is a notification system that allows you to receive alerts and notifications about important business process flows. You can register to events and choose to receive real-time event messages to your secured application endpoint. Such messages may save you time and effort to track the key activities that are crucial to your business.

Fusion webhooks

Fusion webhooks are designed to send notifications to your application when a fintech-defined event occurs as a result of business flow. Using webhooks, you can subscribe to various events and take necessary actions when they occur. Some important ones are:

  • Account holder on-boarding
  • Account transfer
  • KYC status
  • Payment
  • Card capabilities and status an so on.

Fusion sends a secure message containing the webhook payload in JSON format. For example, you can notify an account holder about a payment failure (using SMS/email) when a transaction at an apparel store declines due to insufficient balance.  

Webhook flow

You can get started with webhooks using the following basic steps:

  1. Set up a webhook endpoint and the environment to handle the webhook data on your platform.
  2. Share this endpoint with Zeta. Zeta will register the webhook endpoint in Fusion platform and share a secret token with you to validate the incoming webhook messages.
  3. Using Fusion APIs, subscribe to an event and receive the notification to your webhook endpoint.

Fusion back office tool is available for you to configure webhook communication and create policies related to event-based notifications. Contact Zeta Sales for more info.

Related articles

Configure Webhooks

Know about configuring a webhook and receiving event notifications.

Webhook APIs

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Payment Lifecycle

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